All Body Parts Name in English and Hindi

Body Parts Name: Greetings to all our readers in India! In this comprehensive article, we will provide you with a complete guide to all body parts names in both English and Hindi. Whether you’re a native speaker or learning either language as a second language, this guide is perfect for improving your vocabulary and communication skills. We understand the importance of knowing the correct terminology for different parts of the body, and we’re here to help you master it.

From the head and facial body parts to the internal organs and body systems, we’ve got you covered. We’ll even delve into popular phrases and expressions related to body parts and their cultural significance in English and Hindi cultures. So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of human anatomy and expand our linguistic knowledge together!

Key Takeaways:

  • This article provides a comprehensive guide to all body parts names in both English and Hindi.
  • Learning body parts’ names in both languages can improve communication skills and cultural understanding.
  • The guide includes the head and facial body parts, upper and lower body parts, internal organs, sense organs, body systems, additional body parts, popular phrases and expressions, and the cultural significance of body parts in English and Hindi cultures.

Why Learn Body Parts Names in English and Hindi?

Learning the names of body parts in both English and Hindi is an essential skill for effective communication, particularly in India where Hindi is one of the official languages. Being able to communicate clearly with medical professionals, teachers, and colleagues is crucial, and knowing the terminology for body parts is a key aspect of that.

Moreover, learning body parts’ names in English and Hindi can help bridge the gap between the two cultures. Understanding and appreciating different cultures is essential to foster stronger relationships and promote cultural diversity. Therefore, learning the Hindi terminology for body parts can aid English speakers in better understanding Hindi-speaking cultures and vice versa.

Head and Facial Body Parts Names in English and Hindi

Learning the names of body parts is essential, especially when communicating with native speakers of other languages. Here’s a list of head and facial body parts name in English and Hindi:

Headसिर (sir)
Foreheadमाथा (maatha)
Templeखोपड़ी का बाहरी हिस्सा (khopdi ka bahri hissa)
Eyebrowभ्रू (bhru)
Eyelidआँख का पलक (aankh ka palak)
Eyelashआँख की पलक की रेस (aankh ki palak ki res)
Eyeआंख (aankh)
Noseनाक (naak)
Nostrilनाक की छींटी (naak ki cheenti)
Cheekगाल (gaal)
Mouthमुंह (munh)
Lipsहोंठ (honth)
Tongueजीभ (jeeb)
Toothदाँत (daant)
Chinठुड्डी (thuddi)

Knowing the names of head and facial body parts will allow you to better understand and communicate with Hindi speakers.

Upper Body Parts Names in English and Hindi

Body Parts Name: Learning the names of the upper body parts is essential for effective communication, especially in the medical industry. Here are the names of the upper body parts in English and Hindi:


Knowing the names of the upper body parts is useful in day-to-day conversations, making it easier to communicate pain or discomfort to others.

Lower Body Parts Names in English and Hindi

Our lower body is just as important as our upper body. It consists of several parts that help us carry out our daily activities with ease. Here’s a comprehensive list of lower body parts names in English and Hindi:


Learning these body parts’ names will help you communicate more effectively, especially when discussing any pain or discomfort that you may experience in these areas.

All Body Parts Name in English and Hindi

Fun Fact: Did you know that in Hindi, the word “knee” is gender-specific? “Ghutna” is used for a male knee, while “janu” is used for a female knee.

Internal Organs Names in English and Hindi

Body Parts Name: Understanding the names of internal organs in English and Hindi can be useful when discussing health and medical issues. Here is a comprehensive list of internal organs and their translations:

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Small intestineछोटी आंत
Large intestineबड़ी आंत

It’s important to note that some of these organs have colloquial names in Hindi, which may differ from their literal translations.

Sense Organs Names in English and Hindi

The human body has several sense organs that help us interact with the world around us. Let’s take a look at the names of these sense organs in both English and Hindi.


It’s fascinating to learn how different cultures view the sense organs. For instance, in Indian culture, the “third eye” refers to the spiritual sense of perception associated with the brow chakra. Similarly, the “sixth sense” can refer to a heightened intuition or ability to perceive beyond the five known senses.

Body Systems Names in English and Hindi

The human body consists of various systems working in unison to maintain its health and function. Understanding these systems and their corresponding names in English and Hindi can be beneficial in various fields, including healthcare, education, and research.

Body SystemEnglish NameHindi Name
Skeletal SystemBonesAsthiyaan
Muscular SystemMusclesManspeshiyon
Respiratory SystemLungsFefde
Digestive SystemStomachPet
Nervous SystemBrainDimag
Spinal cordMedula spinalis

These are just a few examples of the different systems in the human body. Knowing their names in both English and Hindi can facilitate effective communication and understanding, especially in a multicultural setting such as India.

Additional Body Parts Names in English and Hindi

In addition to the main body parts, there are other parts that are equally important but are often not included in anatomical textbooks. Below are some of the supplementary body parts’ names that you may want to know:

Body PartEnglishHindi
NailsFingernails/Toenailsनाखून/पैर के नाखून
HairHead hair/Facial hairबाल/चेहरे के बाल

Learning the names of these body parts in both English and Hindi can be very helpful, especially when discussing personal care and grooming habits.

Popular Phrases and Expressions Related to Body Parts in English and Hindi

Body parts’ names are often used in various phrases and expressions in both English and Hindi. Here are some popular examples:

Keep an eye onनजर रखनाTo watch carefully
Get off my backमेरी तंग छोड़ोTo stop bothering someone
Put your foot in your mouthअपनी भाषा घसीटनाTo say something foolish
Give someone a handकिसी की मदद करनाTo assist someone
Cost an arm and a legबहुत महंगा पड़नाTo be very expensive

Hindi also has several idioms and sayings that involve body parts:

दिल में जगह बनाना – To create a place in one’s heart

आँखों में धुंधला पड़ जाना – To have a blur in one’s eyes

जुबान पर काला धागा होना – To have a bad tongue

नाक उँची करना – To be arrogant

Learning these common expressions can improve comprehension and communication in both languages.

Cultural Significance of Body Parts in English and Hindi

The human body has been an integral part of many cultures, and as such, certain body parts hold significant meaning and symbolism. These meanings can differ depending on the culture or language. Let’s explore some of the cultural significance of body parts in both English and Hindi cultures.


In many cultures, the gesture of holding hands signifies unity, love, and friendship. In Hinduism, hand gestures, also known as mudras, are used in religious ceremonies to symbolize emotion, thought, and intention.


In Indian culture, the feet are considered to be sacred and are seen as a symbol of humility and respect. It is customary to remove shoes before entering temples or homes to show respect for the space and the people inhabiting it.


The eyes are often referred to as the “windows to the soul” in English, representing emotional depth and insight. In Hindi culture, the concept of “nazar” or the evil eye is prevalent, where it is believed that certain individuals have the power to harm others through their gaze.


Hair has been a symbol of beauty and femininity in many cultures. In Hindi culture, hair is seen as a source of strength and is often left uncut for spiritual purposes.


The heart is universally recognized as a symbol of love and affection, often representing emotions such as joy, happiness, and compassion.

Understanding the cultural significance of body parts can aid in effective communication and cultural understanding. It is essential to be respectful and knowledgeable about cultural differences to avoid misunderstandings and promote harmony.


Learning the names of body parts in both English and Hindi is essential for effective communication, cross-cultural understanding, and educational enrichment. By understanding the names of different body parts, we can better communicate with medical professionals, express ourselves accurately, and appreciate the rich cultural significance of certain body parts. With the comprehensive guide provided in this article, you can confidently expand your vocabulary and knowledge of body parts in both English and Hindi.


Q: Why should I learn body parts names in English and Hindi?

A: Learning body parts names in both English and Hindi can enhance your communication skills, promote cultural understanding, and provide educational enrichment.

Q: Which body parts are included in the head and facial category?

A: The head and facial body parts include the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, forehead, cheeks, chin, and jaw.

Q: What are the names of the upper body parts in English and Hindi?

A: The upper body parts include the chest, shoulders, arms, and hands. In Hindi, they are called “chehra,” “kandhe,” “baazu,” and “hath.”

Q: What are the names of the lower body parts in English and Hindi?

A: The lower body parts include the abdomen, hips, legs, and feet. In Hindi, they are called “peth,” “kulhe,” “tang,” and “paon.”

Q: What are the names of internal organs in English and Hindi?

A: Internal organs include the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. In Hindi, they are called “dil,” “phuphse,” “jigar,” and “gurde.”

Q: Which body parts are considered sense organs in English and Hindi?

A: The sense organs are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. In Hindi, they are called “aankhein,” “kaan,” “naak,” “jibh,” and “twacha.”

Q: What are the names of body systems in English and Hindi?

A: Body systems include the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. In Hindi, they are called “asthi,” “mams,” “shwasan,” “pachan,” and “tantrika.”

Q: Are there any additional body parts not mentioned in the previous categories?

A: Yes, additional body parts include nails, hair, and skin. In Hindi, they are called “nakhun,” “baal,” and “twacha.”

Q: Can you provide popular phrases and expressions related to body parts in English and Hindi?

A: Yes, popular phrases and expressions include “head over heels,” “break a leg,” and “skin deep.” In Hindi, they are translated as “sar par pair,” “tang tootna,” and “twacha ke andar tak.”

Q: Is there any cultural significance associated with body parts in English and Hindi cultures?

A: Yes, certain body parts hold cultural significance and symbolism. For example, in Hindi culture, the head is considered sacred, while in English culture, the heart is often associated with love and emotions.

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