SO That meaning in Hindi /so that ko Hindi me kya kahte hai?

SO That Meaning in Hindi: In this article, we will explore the meaning and usage of the phrase “so that” in Hindi. We will delve into its various translations and provide examples to help you grasp its correct usage. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of how to use “so that” effectively in Hindi sentences.

The phrase “so that” plays an important role in expressing purpose or intent in English sentences. When translating it into Hindi, it is crucial to grasp the appropriate meanings and usage. Let’s dive into the different translations and examples to gain a better understanding of “so that” in Hindi.

SO That meaning in Hindi

  1. Translations of “So That” in Hindi: The phrase “so that” can be translated into Hindi in multiple ways, depending on the context and intended meaning. Some common translations include “ताकि” (taki), “इसलिए” (isliye), “इस तरह से” (is tarah se), and “इसके फलस्वरूप” (iske falasvaroop). Each translation has a slight nuance, and it is essential to choose the appropriate one for clear communication.
  2. Usage and Examples: “सो थैट” (so that) is typically used to express purpose, intention, or the result of an action in Hindi sentences. Let’s look at a few examples to understand its usage better:

Example 1: मैंने जल्दी उठा ताकि परीक्षा के लिए तैयारी कर सकूँ। Translation: I woke up early so that I could prepare for the exam.

Example 2: वह इतनी मेहनत करता है, इसलिए उसकी सफलता निश्चित है। Translation: He works so hard, so his success is assured.

SO That meaning in Hindi

Example 3: यहाँ उपस्थित अध्यापक आपकी सहायता करेंगे, इस तरह से आप सभी समस्याओं का समाधान कर सकेंगे। Translation: The present teachers here will assist you so that you can solve all the problems.


SO That meaning in Hindi : In Hindi, the phrase “so that” can be translated in various ways, including “ताकि” (taki), “इसलिए” (isliye), “इस तरह से” (is tarah se), and “इसके फलस्वरूप” (iske falasvaroop). Understanding the correct translation and usage of “so that” is crucial for effective communication in Hindi. By using it appropriately, you can express purpose, intent, or the result of an action in your sentences. Practice using “so that” in different contexts to enhance your language skills in Hindi.


  • I studied hard so that I could pass the exam. मैंने मेहनत की ताकि मैं परीक्षा में पास हो सकूँ।
  • She saved money so that she could buy a new car. उसने पैसे बचाए ताकि वह नई कार खरीद सके।
  • He exercised regularly so that he could stay fit. उसने नियमित रूप से व्यायाम किया ताकि वह स्वस्थ रह सके।
  • They woke up early so that they could catch the early train. उन्होंने जल्दी उठा ताकि वे पहली ट्रेन पकड़ सकें।
  • We packed our bags the night before so that we wouldn’t forget anything. हमने पहले रात अपने बैग पैक किए ताकि हम कुछ न भूलें।
  • She bought a new dress so that she could wear it to the party. उसने एक नई ड्रेस खरीदी ताकि वह पार्टी में पहन सके।
  • They worked overtime so that they could finish the project on time. उन्होंने ओवरटाइम किया ताकि वे परियोजना को समय पर पूरा कर सकें।
  • He saved his allowance so that he could buy a new video game. उसने अपनी छूट को बचाया ताकि वह एक नया वीडियो गेम खरीद सके।
  • She took extra classes so that she could improve her English. उसने अतिरिक्त क्लासेस ली ताकि वह अपनी अंग्रेजी में सुधार कर सके।
  • They arrived early at the airport so that they wouldn’t miss their flight. वे एयरपोर्ट पर जल्दी पहुँचे ताकि उनकी उड़ान छूट न जाए।

Remember that “so that” can be translated into Hindi using different phrases like “ताकि” (taki), “इसलिए” (isliye),

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In Hindi, the phrase “so that” can be translated in various ways, including “ताकि” (taki), “इसलिए” (isliye), “इस तरह से” (is tarah se), and “इसके फलस्वरूप” (iske falasvaroop). Understanding the correct translation and usage of “so that” is crucial for effective communication in Hindi. By using it appropriately, you can express purpose, intent, or the result of an action in your sentences. Practice using “so that” in different contexts to enhance your language skills in Hindi.

read this also: almost meaning in Hindi

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