How to Write Notice in English

Easy Steps: How to Write Notice in English Class 12

How to Write Notice in English: Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to write a notice in English for Class 12 students. Notice writing is an important skill that can improve your grades and help you effectively communicate information. In this section, we will provide an introduction to notice writing and explain how it can benefit you.

Key Takeaways:

Table of Contents hide
  • Notice writing is an important skill for Class 12 English students
  • Mastering notice writing can improve your grades and communication skills
  • This guide will provide step-by-step instructions and tips for effective notice writing
  • Practicing regularly and utilizing provided resources can enhance your notice writing abilities

Understanding Notice Writing

In order to write a notice effectively, it is important to understand what a notice is and its purpose. A notice is a written or printed announcement that is displayed publicly to inform people about an event, news, or advertisement. Its main objective is to convey information to a specific audience in a clear and concise manner.

Notice writing is a common practice in both formal and informal settings. In formal situations, notices are used by organizations, businesses, and institutions to communicate important information to their members or stakeholders. In an academic setting, notices are often used by schools and universities to inform students and staff about events, meetings, or schedule changes.

The format of a notice typically follows a specific structure, which includes the heading, date, salutation, body, and signature. The tone of a notice is formal and concise, with an emphasis on clarity and accuracy. Effective notice writing requires careful attention to detail and an understanding of the key elements and characteristics that make up a notice.

Format of Notice Writing

Notice writing follows a specific format that helps communicate information effectively. The format typically includes the following:

HeadingThe heading “Notice” should be written in bold letters at the top center of the page.
DateThe date should be mentioned on the right-hand side below the heading.
SalutationThe salutation “Respected Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern” should be written on the left-hand side below the date.
SubjectThe subject of the notice should be written in bold letters below the salutation.
BodyThe body of the notice should be written in a clear and concise manner. It should include all relevant details and information. The body should be divided into paragraphs, each containing a separate idea.
SignatureThe notice should be signed by the person issuing it and their designation or position should be mentioned below their signature.

Example of Notice Writing Format:


Date: 10th August 2021

Respected Sir/Madam

Subject: School Closure Due to Heavy Rains

It is hereby informed to all students that due to heavy rainfall in the city, the school will remain closed tomorrow, i.e. 11th August 2021. The decision has been taken keeping in view the safety of students and staff members.

Please stay safe and take necessary precautions.


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Following the correct format is essential for writing an effective notice. It conveys the intended message clearly and leaves a positive impact on the readers.

Important Points for Notice Writing

How to Write Notice in English: Notice writing is a common task for students in Class 12 English, and it is important to keep certain points in mind to write an effective notice.

  • Use a formal tone: Notices are generally formal in nature, so it is important to use a professional tone throughout the notice.
  • Be concise and clear: A notice should convey the required information effectively and efficiently. Avoid using unnecessary details or long sentences.
  • Include relevant details: Make sure to include all important information such as date, time, venue, and any specific instructions.
  • Check for errors: Proofread your notice carefully to avoid any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Even a small mistake can change the meaning of the notice.
  • Stick to the word limit: Notices usually have a word limit, so it is important to stay within that limit and convey the message clearly to the reader.

Using an Appropriate Format

While writing a notice, it is important to follow the correct format. This includes including a proper heading, date, salutation, and signature.

The body of the notice should be divided into paragraphs, with each paragraph focusing on a specific point. The message should be conveyed in a clear and concise manner.

Following a standard format makes the notice look professional and makes it easier for the reader to understand the message.

Steps to Write Notice in English Class 12

Writing a notice may seem daunting at first, but with a step-by-step approach, it can become a straightforward process. Here are the easy steps to writing a notice for your Class 12 English exam:

  1. Understand the purpose: Begin by understanding the purpose of the notice. Is it to inform about an event, to make an announcement, or to request something?
  2. Select the appropriate format: Depending on the purpose, select the appropriate format, whether it’s an invitation, an announcement, or a request.
  3. Include the necessary details: Next, include all the necessary details, such as the date, time, location, and contact information.
  4. Use a formal tone: Keep the tone formal and avoid using slang or colloquial language.
  5. Be clear and concise: Be precise and concise in your writing. Avoid unnecessary details that might only confuse the readers.
  6. Proofread and edit: Finally, proofread and edit your notice to ensure it’s free of errors and mistakes.

By following these steps, you can write a clear and effective notice that conveys your intended message. Practice writing different types of notices to improve your skills further.

How to Write Notice in English

Notice Writing Tips

Writing a notice can seem like a daunting task, but with practice and attention to detail, it can be a straightforward process. Here are some helpful tips to improve your notice-writing skills:

  1. Follow the format: As discussed earlier, notices have a specific format that includes a heading, date, salutation, body, and signature. It’s essential to follow this format to ensure that your notice is clear and easy to understand.
  2. Use a formal tone: Notices are official documents, so it’s important to use formal language and a serious tone. Avoid using colloquialisms or slang words.
  3. Be concise and clear: Notices should be short and to the point. Avoid rambling or including irrelevant information. Use clear and simple language that is easy to understand.
  4. Include relevant details: Your notice should include all the necessary information, such as the date, time, location, and any requirements or instructions. Make sure to double-check all the details before sending out the notice.
  5. Edit and proofread: Always proofread your notice before submitting it to catch any spelling or grammar errors. It’s also helpful to have someone else read it to check for clarity and coherence.

By following these tips, you can improve your notice-writing skills and create effective notices for any occasion. Remember to practice regularly and seek feedback to continue improving.

Guidelines for Writing Notice in Class 12 English

Writing a notice may seem simple, but it requires attention to detail and following specific guidelines to ensure effectiveness. Here are some guidelines to follow when writing a notice for Class 12 English:

1. Focus on Clarity and Conciseness

A notice is meant to convey information quickly and clearly. Therefore, it is essential to keep the language simple and concise. Avoid using overly complex sentences or technical jargon that may confuse the reader.

2. Use Appropriate Language and Tone

Notices are formal documents that require a formal tone and language. Use polite and respectful language that reflects the seriousness of the situation. Avoid using slang or informal language.

3. Include All Relevant Details

When writing a notice, it is essential to include all relevant information such as date, time, venue, and contact information. Make sure that the purpose of the notice is clear and the reader can quickly understand what is expected of them.

4. Follow the Correct Format

DateInclude the date of the notice.
Name of the OrganizationWrite the name of the organization issuing the notice.
TitleState the title of the notice.
BodyInclude all relevant details of the notice.
SignatureInclude the name and designation of the person issuing the notice.

Make sure that you follow this format when writing your notice to ensure that it is organized and easy to read.

5. Proofread and Edit

Before submitting your notice, make sure to proofread and edit it for any errors or mistakes. Check for grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes, and ensure that all the information is accurate and up-to-date.

By following these guidelines, you can be sure that your notice is effective, clear and conveys the intended message to the reader.

Examples of Notice Writing

Let’s take a look at some examples of well-written notices to understand the format and language used in notice writing.

Notice: Annual Sports Day10th January 2022To all Students of Class 12Dear Students,Annual Sports Day: 15th January 2022We are pleased to invite all Class 12 students to participate in the Annual Sports Day event. The event will take place on 15th January 2022 in the school playground from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Students can choose to participate in any of these sports: cricket, football, volleyball, badminton, or table tennis. Students are requested to register their names with the respective sports teacher by 13th January 2022 and practice regularly. We hope to see a great turnout and wish all students good luck! Sincerely, School Sports CommitteeChairman, School Sports Committee

In this notice, the heading mentions the purpose of the notice. The date indicates the date of writing the notice. The salutation addresses the audience of the notice. The body contains the details of the event, including the date, time, venue, and sports options available. The signature mentions the name and designation of the person responsible for the notice.

Notice: Library Closure1st February 2022To all Students of Class 12Dear Students,Library Closure: 5th February 2022This is to inform all students of Class 12 that the school library will remain closed on 5th February 2022 due to maintenance work. The library will resume normal functioning from 8th February 2022. Students are requested to plan their library visits accordingly and not return any books on the day of the closure. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for understanding. Sincerely, School AdministrationPrincipal, XYZ School

This notice follows a similar format to the previous one, with the heading, date, and salutation. The body explains the reason for the library closure, the date of closure, and when the library will resume normal functioning. The signature mentions the name and designation of the school authority responsible for the notice.

These examples highlight the importance of adhering to the proper notice format and using the appropriate tone and language.

Practice Notice Writing in English Class 12

How to Write Notice in English: Practice makes perfect, and notice writing is no exception. By completing exercises and getting feedback, you can improve your skills and hone your craft. Here are some practice exercises that will help you solidify your understanding of the notice writing format and guidelines:

1Write a notice inviting students to join a new club that you are starting.
2Write a notice informing students about a change in the school schedule.
3Write a notice inviting parents to attend an upcoming parent-teacher meeting.

After completing these exercises, ask a friend or teacher to review your work and provide feedback. This feedback will help you identify areas for improvement and fine-tune your notice writing skills.

Remember that practice is the key to success, so keep practicing regularly to master the art of notice writing in English.

Notice Writing Exercises

Practice makes perfect, and notice writing is no exception! Here are some exercises to help you hone your skills:

  1. Write a notice for your school’s notice board inviting students to participate in a Science Quiz Competition. Remember to include details such as date, time, venue, eligibility criteria, and prizes.
  2. You are the head boy/girl of your school. Write a notice to your schoolmates, informing them about the upcoming Sports Day event. Mention the different events, the date and time, and any special guests or prizes.
  3. Write a notice to your classmates, inviting them to attend a farewell party for your teacher who is retiring. Include details such as the date, time, venue, and any contributions that the students need to make.
  4. Write a notice to the students of your school, asking them to donate money for a social cause. Be clear about the purpose of the donation and how it will be used.
  5. Write a notice for your school’s notice board, informing students about a change in the school timings due to a festival. Mention the date, the new timings, and any other relevant information.

These exercises will help you apply the format and guidelines we have discussed earlier. Remember to proofread your work and ask for feedback from your teacher or peers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Notice Writing

Writing a notice can seem simple, but it is important to avoid common mistakes that can affect your message’s clarity and effectiveness. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  1. Using an informal tone: A notice should always be written in a formal tone, regardless of its purpose. Avoid using slang language and contractions such as “can’t” or “don’t.”
  2. Being too wordy: A notice should be concise and to the point. Avoid using unnecessary words and stick to the essential information only.
  3. Omitting important details: Ensure that you include all crucial information, such as the date, time, venue, and any other specific requirements.
  4. Not following the correct format: Make sure you follow the correct notice format, including the heading, date, salutation, body, and signature.
  5. Not proofreading: Always proofread your notice before submitting it to avoid any spelling or grammar errors.

Avoiding these mistakes will help you write effective notices that successfully convey your message. Remember to always double-check your work before submitting it.

Importance of Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading and editing are essential components of writing a notice in Class 12 English. Once you have completed writing your notice, it is critical to review it carefully for any errors or inconsistencies. Proofreading involves reviewing your notice for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Editing involves refining the overall content, structure, and tone of your notice to improve its clarity and effectiveness.

Effective proofreading and editing can lead to significant improvements in your final notice writing product. Any spelling or grammar errors can distract the reader from the essential message of your notice, and any inconsistencies can cause confusion and misunderstandings. By proofreading and editing, you can catch these errors and refine your notice’s tone and message to ensure that it is clear, concise, and effective.

How to Write Notice in English

One way to approach proofreading is to read your notice out loud, as this can help you catch errors that you may have missed while reading silently. Another useful strategy is to have someone else read your notice to provide a fresh perspective and identify any areas that may need improvement.

To effectively edit your notice, start by reviewing its overall structure and organization. Ensure that the most critical details are highlighted and that the tone is appropriate for the intended audience. As you review your notice, consider whether each sentence is necessary and whether the language used is clear and concise.

By taking the time to proofread and edit your notice, you can ensure that it is accurate, effective, and communicates the intended message clearly. It is a crucial step in the notice writing process that should not be overlooked or rushed.

Commonly Asked Questions about Notice Writing

As a Class 12 English student, you may have various doubts and questions about notice writing. Here, we address some commonly asked questions to help clarify any confusion.

What is the purpose of a notice?

A notice is a written or printed announcement that informs a group of people about an event, news, or any other relevant information. The purpose of a notice is to convey the information in a clear and concise manner and to ensure that the intended audience receives the message.

What are the important elements of a notice?

The key elements of a notice include the heading, date, salutation, body, and signature. The heading should clearly indicate the purpose of the notice, while the date denotes the day of the announcement. The salutation addresses the target audience, and the body contains the relevant information. The signature confirms the authenticity of the notice.

What is the tone of a notice?

A notice should have a formal tone as it is an official announcement. Avoid using slang or informal language. Keep the tone polite and respectful but also clear and concise to effectively convey the information.

How can I ensure that my notice is effective?

Ensure that your notice is well-structured and follows the proper format. Use a formal tone and avoid unnecessary details. Be concise and clear in your writing, and provide all relevant information. Proofread and edit your notice to ensure accuracy and clarity.

Where can I find examples of notices?

Examples of notices can be found online or in English textbooks. You can also refer to the sample notices provided in our article to get a better understanding of the format and content of a notice.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in notice writing?

Common mistakes to avoid in notice writing include using informal language, providing incomplete or inaccurate information, and using an unclear or irrelevant heading. Also, be sure to proofread and edit your notice to avoid any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.

Further Resources for Notice Writing

If you want to improve your notice writing skills, there are several resources available that can help. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Effective Notice Writing: A Comprehensive Guide by John Smith – This book provides clear and practical advice on how to write effective notices. It covers everything from formatting to tone and language use.
  2. Notice Writing Made Easy online course – This interactive course offers step-by-step guidance on how to write notices that engage and inform readers. It includes quizzes and exercises for practice.
  3. Online Writing Resources – There are many websites that offer writing tips and advice, such as Grammarly, Purdue Owl, and Writing Commons. These resources can help you improve your writing skills in general.
  4. Sample Notices and Templates – On various websites, you can find sample notices and templates that can help you understand the structure and format of different types of notices. Use these resources for inspiration or guidance in your own writing.

By utilizing these resources, you can enhance your notice writing skills and create notices that are clear, concise, and effective. Remember to practice consistently and seek feedback to further improve your writing skills.

Tips for Writing Notice for Board Exams

Writing a notice for the board exams can be a challenging task. Here are some tips to help you write an effective notice:

  • Read the instructions carefully: Make sure you understand the requirements of the notice and follow the instructions provided.
  • Stick to the word limit: Ensure that your notice does not exceed the word limit specified in the instructions.
  • Use a formal tone: Keep the tone of your notice formal and professional. Avoid using slang or informal language.
  • Include all relevant details: Provide all necessary information in your notice, including the date, time, venue, and purpose of the event or announcement.
  • Be concise: Use precise and concise language to convey the intended message clearly. Avoid unnecessary details or information.
  • Revise and edit: Proofread your notice carefully to ensure that it is error-free and conveys the intended message clearly.

Keep these tips in mind while writing notices for your board exams, and remember to practice regularly to improve your notice writing skills.


Writing notices in English is a crucial skill for Class 12 students. By following the guidelines, format, and important points discussed in this comprehensive guide, students can create effective notices that inform and communicate clearly. Remember to practice regularly and utilize the provided examples and exercises to hone your notice writing skills further.

Additionally, make sure to pay attention to proofreading and editing your work thoroughly to avoid common mistakes that can affect the quality of your notice. Finally, as you prepare for board exams, utilize the tips and strategies provided in this guide to excel in notice writing and improve your overall English grades.

With dedication and practice, anyone can master notice writing in English. So, follow the steps outlined in this guide and see your notice writing abilities improve effortlessly!


Q: What is the purpose of notice writing?

A: Notice writing is used to inform a specific audience about an upcoming event, announcement, or important information. It helps to convey messages in a concise and effective manner.

Q: What are the key elements of a notice?

A: A notice typically includes a clear heading, date of publication, salutation, body containing the main information, and a signature with the name and designation of the person issuing the notice.

Q: How should I write a notice in English class 12?

A: To write a notice in English class 12, follow the prescribed format and guidelines provided by your curriculum. Be sure to use a formal tone, include all relevant details, and proofread carefully for accuracy.

Q: Can you provide an example of a notice?

A: Sure! Here’s an example: Heading: School Annual Day Celebrations Date: March 15, 2022 Dear Students, We are pleased to announce that the annual day celebrations of our school will be held on April 10, 2022. The event will include cultural performances, prize distribution, and various activities. All students are requested to actively participate and make this event a grand success. For further details, please refer to the notice board or contact the school office. Best Regards, [Your Name] [Designation]

Q: How can I improve my notice writing skills?

A: Practice regularly, read examples of well-written notices, and seek feedback from your teachers or peers. Additionally, consider taking online courses or referring to books that provide guidance on effective notice writing techniques.

Q: Are there any common mistakes to avoid in notice writing?

A: Yes, some common mistakes to avoid include using an informal tone, omitting important details, not proofreading for errors, and not following the prescribed format. Always double-check your notice before publishing or submitting it.

Q: Where can I find further resources for notice writing?

A: There are various resources available online, such as grammar websites, writing blogs, and online courses focused on notice writing. Additionally, your school library or local bookstore may have books specifically dedicated to improving notice writing skills.

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